By now, you have probably already sent emails with attachments using AOL Up ‘til now AOL has supported a total email and attachment size of up to 16MB. But what if you want to send your mom all your pictures from your recent trip to Europe? They add up to about 1GB of storage space!
No worries, you can now send large attachments (of up to 5GB) along with your email, thanks to the new AOL Webmail & Xdrive integration.
What is Xdrive?
Xdrive is a 5GB personal hard drive on the Internet. You can get easy backup and secure storage, just like an external hard drive, but without the worry of losing or damaging a piece of hardware. You can simply upload files to Xdrive and securely access your files anywhere over the web. You can even share your files with your friends and family by allowing them permission. All this, for free.
How can you start using Xdrive to send large attachments?
First, if you don’t already have one, create a free Xdrive account. Sign up for one here:
When you are back in Webmail, compose email as you normally would. After you click on “Attach file” browse and select your attachment. You will notice an updated dialog box:

If you would like to upload via Xdrive, simply click on the check box towards the bottom of the dialog. For files over 16MB, your attachments will automatically get uploaded via Xdrive.
The best part is that your attachments will also be backed up and stored securely in your Xdrive account. Never lose an attachment again!
When your recipients receive the email, they will see the attachment, which can then be retrieved via Xdrive.
Get started now!
Want to be the first to try out this new feature? It’s only available in Beta. Check it out at:
Enjoy and happy holidays!