Written by Rose Kwok, Product Manager, AOL Mail
We know how much you rely on WebSuite for Mail, Calendar and Address Book. That's why we want to keep making it better for you. After months of hard work, the WebSuite team is excited to launch another release of Websuite Standard and WebSuite Basic, codenamed “Goa.” (Did you know Goa is a coastal, tropical island and the smallest state in India?)
Here’s a preview of the new things you will find in your Inbox:
Safer Mail For your protection, WebSuite has been blocking images from unknown senders. We have now added link blocking as well. No more worrying about clicking a link that could take you to inappropriate content or a phishing site.
PerformanceWe know you want things fast, and making WebSuite faster was the focus for "Goa" – from loading WebSuite to reading and sending messages. For the techies among you, we've upgraded the entire Standard application to the 1.0 version of the Dojo toolkit for snappier performance! You also may have noticed that the “Unsend” and “Status” features were removed from this WebSuite release. Because of the way these features were implemented, they were preventing us from achieving the best product performance. So, we made the difficult decision to remove them from WebSuite. If you are a hardcore “Status” user, or have an “Unsend” emergency, you can still find these features in our integrated clients (AOL 9.1 and AOL Desktop).
MapQuestLove MapQuest? We do too. That’s why we’ve put WebSuite and Mapquest together. Need directions to your next party? When you add a location to a new event in Calendar, we will parse your address and show you where it is on a map from Mapquest. Voila!
(Feature currently not available in Basic version)
AIM IntegrationThe IM windows you minimize within WebSuite will now flash when you have new incoming IMs so you will never miss a message again. We also added a new IM button to your read and compose mail views that alerts you when your friends are online. When you start writing a new message, WebSuite will check whether your buddies are online and the button will light up if they are, allowing you to IM with them in real time.
(AIM currently not available in Basic version)
Calendar You asked for it, we’ve got it! For those of you who love and use our Basic version, you will be glad to hear that we added AOL Calendar to the fast product many have come to love. Just as in the Standard version, you will be able to view your personal calendar in month, week or day view. Make it even more fun by sharing it with your friends and family. Best of all, AOL Basic Calendar is fully accessible.
For those of you using the Standard version, we’ve got something for you too. AOL Calendar now supports importing calendars from any iCal (.ics) URL and similarly exporting any public calendars as iCal files.
AOL JournalsDo you use AOL Journals? If so, WebSuite now provides 1-click access straight to your Journals page. Start sharing your stories with the world!
(Panels not available in Basic version)
And more…Safari 3 users will now be able to use the Rich Text Editor to make all their emails colorful and pretty. More features (including Drafts for AOL accounts and a “Keep Me Signed In” option) will be coming in the next few weeks, so please stay tuned.
Hope you love “Goa” as much as we do. Enjoy and let us know what you think.