Thursday, November 1, 2007

AOL 9.1 is ready for download and here’s why you should upgrade

Written by guest blogger Seth Halvaksz, Sr. Product Manager, AOL Mail

Everyone knows AOL for desktop software that combines e-mail, IM, web browsing (and more) into a single, safe, easy-to-use application with security features such as anti-virus, anti-spam and parental controls. Although you may think you need to be an AOL dial-up subscriber to use our software, that’s not the case! Now anyone with an AOL mail account can use the AOL 9.1 all-in-one desktop software over a broadband (DSL or cable) or a third-party dial-up connection.

Here are some of the enhancements you’ll see in AOL 9.1:

Easier surfing - ability to browse the Web without signing on to AOL when you have a broadband or third-party dial-up connection

Unified Inbox - unlimited storage with an Inbox that keeps your mail as long as you need it

Flexibility with reply - select only the text you want when replying to a message, or don’t select any text if you want to display the entire message in your e-mail reply

RSS feeds - add RSS feeds to your Favorites

Instant news - quick access to the latest news by clicking or hovering over a News icon in the Toolbar

New with AOL 9.1 is a unified Inbox with unlimited mail storage. If you’re a current AOL user, you can switch to an Inbox view of your messages at any time, and with unlimited storage you can keep as many e-mail messages as you want!

You will also see improvements to AOL’s award-winning spam detection. If we suspect the person sending the e-mail is not genuine, AOL will block the e-mail until you tell us you want to see it.

Want to learn more about AOL 9.1 and download the software? Here’s where to go:

Enjoy and thanks for choosing AOL!


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